
A goal is scored in football when the entire ball passes between the goalposts and crosses the goal line. However, a plan is not given until the referee has signaled it and is certain that no violation of the Game’s Laws has occurred.

The team with the most goals at the end of 90 minutes will be named the winner. If both sides have the same score, the game is declared a draw.


A senior football game is split into two 45-minute halves with a 15-minute break.
A squad can begin with a maximum of 11 players; one of them is the goalkeeper.
A team must have seven players on the field to continue a game.
The ball must be round and measure 58-61 cm in circumference.
A team can make replacements at any moment throughout the game and can make a maximum of three changes.
A referee and two assistant referees, often known as linesmen, must officiate a competitive match.
The entire ball must cross the goal line to be considered a goal.
If a referee believes a player has committed an unfair act, they may award a foul. A foul violate the game’s rules that can be given for various reasons (for example, kicking the player, pushing, handball, etc.).
If a foul is committed in the penalty box, the opposing team is awarded a free-kick (direct or indirect, depending on the crime) or a penalty kick.
A referee can issue a yellow or red card to players who engage in foul play. A yellow card earns a player’s behavior, while a red card orders them to leave the field.
The referee will automatically show a red card to a player who receives two yellow cards.
The team gets a throw-in if the opposition kicks the ball over the sidelines.
The team is given a corner kick if the opposition kicks the ball across the goal line and either side of the goalposts.
When a teammate sends the ball through to them, they are considered offside if they are in front of the last defender (although this is often the most complicated of rules and has a range of interpretations).


A referee and two assistant referees, usually known as linesmen or lineswomen, are responsible for upholding the game’s rules during a competitive football game. The referee’s decision is always final, and they have the power to overrule an assistant referee if they believe their decision is incorrect. A linesman not only keeps an eye out for offsides and throw-ins but also works as an extra referee, signaling if the Laws are broken.